Ace was 2 months old last Friday. We went for his 2 month well-check today. Ace weighed 13 lbs 6 oz in the 90th percentile and was 23 1/2 inches long in the 75th percentile. He is such a big boy! Ace has been smiling & laughing. He has the cutest dimples, one on each cheek. He's pretty happy these days. He likes to sit in his car seat & play with his redbird. He laughs when he makes contact with it! He also likes his swing with the dangling bug. Big brother Jett makes him laugh on occasion. Ace likes his room too! He's a good eater and sleeper. He's eating about 5 oz per feeding these days, and he's gone 6 hours in between feedings one night & 10 hours another night! Momma has been getting a lot more rest! Ace loves bath time too! He smiles & coos when we pour water on him. We are watching closely for his 1st roll over. He seems to be getting close!