Sunday, May 15, 2011

Orange Beach

We took our first family vacation to Orange Beach. It was the first time Ryan and I have been on vacation with either of our kids. We've done short weekend trips to sporting events, but nothing major. Driving 6 hours with 2 children 2 & under is not something I recommend doing often! It was long! I'm so glad that we picked a condo with a lazy river, kiddie pool, water slide, spray area, and 2 large pools. The lazy river and spray area were super! Ace spent a lot of time sleeping on Momma under a large umbrella. He really enjoyed his trip to the beach! He must have liked the feel of the sand under his blanket. Overall, it was a pretty fun trip!

Ready to swim!

Ace & Momma

Fun at the beach!

Jett loves to hold Ace!

Rolling Over

Ace reached his first major milestone on May 11th. He rolled from his tummy to his back! We were so excited! He's done it 3 times so far. He still hasn't rolled from his back to tummy yet, but it shouldn't be too far away! Ace is getting so big!

Cutie Pie!

Playing with Daddy

So happy (which is rare in his car seat)!

Sweet boy!

Ace's 1st Easter

These pictures were taken at our church egg hunt. I was so thankful for my friend Andi who took these pictures of Ace. There was no way I could chase Jett & hold Ace. Ace was so good! He didn't cry at all.
The next Sunday was our Baby Celebration at church. Once a year, our congregation celebrates the new babies born. Ace wore a light blue smocked outfit to receive his Bible. He was precious! It was the same outfit that big brother wore. The Elders' wives prepared a wonderful meal for us, and we had a nice time.

Ace's 1st Easter egg

Day of Baby Celebration

Ace loves his paci!