Saturday, September 27, 2014

Big Boy Ace!

I am so proud of Ace! He finally decided to use the potty. He has been potty trained for a little over two weeks now. We are thrilled and he is so proud of himself! He still prefers not to go at school, but will if he has to. Huge improvement! He is liking school more, and he is so cute when he does crisscross applesauce and holds a bubble:) I wish I had a picture of that! He is doing a great job writing his letters, and we always love his art!

Pop and Polly came to visit last weekend for Daddy's birthday. The boys really enjoyed their time with them! Ace really likes soccer practice with Jett and Coach Daddy too. He actually played a good bit at practice this week. He did take an extended water break with Zoe, and Daddy wasn't too happy with him. Momma does think an hour is just a little bit too long for practice:) We are so proud of our big boy!


Ace wanted Daddy to have superheroes. Ace colored them really well!

Daddy loved his card & gift.

Waiting for his turn.

Ace loves his Johnny Appleseed hat!

Beautiful C's & great coloring!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Preschool Isn't So Bad;)

Ace is finally starting to get the hang of this "school" thing:) Last week was better since it was a short holiday week. Monday was the first day with no tears. He now has 2 friends that I know of, Zoe and Madelyn, and he LOVES art! Art is his last activity of the day. Ace gets pretty upset with me if I try to pick him up before he is finished with his projects:) I'm just so happy that he really likes at least one part of school! We are still working on potty training. He went for the first time at school today...yay!

We really enjoyed our holiday weekend at G and Opa's house. Both boys were super excited to swim. They swam every day we were there, and we went to Jumping World for the first time. Ace really enjoyed running and jumping in the 5 and under area...not so much in the bigger area with Momma. So far, we've been to our first Lion football game complete with bounce houses, parachuters, and fireworks. Also, we've been to 2 Lion soccer games. Ace loved running around with Sophie! We are excited for our first volleyball game on Friday. There will be many more events to come!

Swimming at G and Opa's

Big jumps with Jett!

Running up the hill at Jumping World

Ace loves his new Spider Man gloves!

Loving the bounce house:)

Made it to the top!

Ace is super proud of his art:)