Sunday, April 6, 2014

Backtracking: Ace's 3rd Birthday

Per Ace's request, we had a small super hero birthday party at our house. He's pretty adamant these days about what he wants:) He was happy that G, Opa, & Uncle Indy came from Houston. We were also so happy that our neighbors and friends the Fergusons & Jorgensens could come. Ace was really happy that his grown up friend Taylor could come too:) Daddy did a great job on the burgers and hot dogs. The cake & ice cream was super yummy too! Ace loved all of his presents, and it was a beautiful day to play outside with his friends! I can't believe my little man is 3!

So happy about his Avengers cake!

Ace really enjoyed opening presents this year:)

Taylor wrapped this one.

Ace was super excited!

Yay, Iron Man!

 From Duke & Dallas:)

Pretty happy about Captain America!


 G wrapped this one. It's tricky;)

Lightning McQueen rain boots!

My sweet birthday boy:)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Strawberry Picking with G & Opa

I'm a little behind again. A few weeks ago we went to Houston with Daddy for his work. After watching some basketball,  we got to hang out at G & Opa's house for a bit. We all decided to go to Froberg's Farm and pick strawberries. We had a great time filling our buckets! Ace ate a few bowls of strawberries with his lunch:)

The boys posing as strawberries.

Silly Ace

Ace helping Daddy find the perfect ones.

Checking it out:)

It looks good!

Bucket is getting too full to carry!

Heading out with G.