At 6 months, Ace:
- Rolls from front to back & back to front, especially to get something of Jett's!
- Sits up by himself, although excitement makes him tip over:)
- Loves his baby food, especially pears!
- Loves his paci & can put it in his mouth himself.
- Can use a beginner sippy cup, anything to be like big brother!
- Talks all the time & can say Da Da, and even Daddy on occasion.
- Will reach for Momma, especially if he's sleepy.
- Loves his big brother & thinks he is the funniest person ever!
- Loves to gnaw on just about anything, teeth should be here soon.
- Loves to play cars with Jett.
- Is so ticklish & has the best laugh!
- Is a great sleeper, almost always 8 hrs straight:)
- Loves to bounce in his exersaucer.
- Gets really frustrated on his tummy because he wants to crawl! Should be just around the corner:)