Ace went for his 10 month well-check just before Christmas. He did great! Of course, the lack of shots helped:) He gets more shots at his 14 month check up. Dr. Wallace said he was a good looking boy, which we already knew! He was 29 1/4 inches long in the 75th percentile and 21 lb 10 oz in between the 50th and 75th percentile. Such a big boy:) At 10 months, Ace has a lot of fun! He is crawling all over the place, but prefers to cruise. He talks all the time, words include: Da Da, Momma, bye bye, ball, car, light, and catch. He has also learned to point to what he wants and shake his head no if you get it wrong. He points to the light or ball when asked. He waves bye bye or hi, and will give you five. He gives great kisses, and loves to play with his brother. His favorite game is crawl away from Jett, while Jett chases him also crawling. They both laugh, and it is so cute! I'm sure there is plenty that I am forgetting! We love our little guy!